X32 S32 + IEMs & PM's, I am lost after trying hard. Any help is appreciated!

Various presets, scenes and snippets for the X32 and M32 consoles
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lemmonstealin' w...
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X32 S32 + IEMs & PM's, I am lost after trying hard. Any help is appreciated!

Post by lemmonstealin' w... »

Hello folks, first time posting, and any help is appreciated!

I need help with routing & how to accomplish what I need to happen. I didn't come here straight after running into problems, I watched several youtube tutorials on routing, P16Ms, and the S32. I scraped whatever information I could to help me, but I'm still missing some parts.

Here is what I have:
1 X32, firmware current as of today
1 S32, firmware current as of today
1 P16D
6 P16M
10 Channels of Sennheiser IEMs
2 Floor Monitors
2 70V Zones to serve
Stereo LR
Mono Sub
2 Nearfield Monitors@FOH
Mac running ProPresenter@FOH (LR in aux 5 & 6 currently)

The S32, the mains/sub amps are in the same rack, and the IEM's are in a rack next to the first.
Left, Right, Sub, 10 outputs for IEMs, and Ultranet are happening there.
70V feed amplifier is at FOH, two zones.

I'm a muppet with getting my user routing to make sense. I attached my most current scene, and I feel like I'm so wonky that I should burn it to the ground and start over, but there is a lot of good programming in there.

Knowing that I have 10 channels of IEMs + 6 P16Ms confuses the hell out of me. I currently have 10 busses for IEMs & 2 for wedges. I think the two independent 70V feeds should be matrices, but am open to any/all input.

Look, I REALLY appreciate your time squaring this circle for me. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
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Re: X32 S32 + IEMs & PM's, I am lost after trying hard. Any help is appreciated!

Post by pvannatto »

Hi Wil (@lemmonstealin' w...). Welcome to our forum. Glad to see that you included your scene file. It makes it much easier to understand your setup and what the issues are.

I had a look at your scene, and to be honest, you are not far from a desired solution. All outputs to the S32 (except for the sub) are correct. Outputs 1-10 are your IEMs, outputs 11-12 for wedges, outputs 15-16 for Main LR. I've added the Main M/C bus to be used for your sub and output 14.

For FOH outputs, do I assume you want the 2 nearfield monitors receive the same signal as the headphones (eg. solo, etc.)? If so, I've added that to outputs 1-2 of both Aux Out (1/4" jacks) and XLR outputs. For the two 70 volt zones, I've labeled matrix 1 and 2 as Zone 1 and Zone 2 and assigned them to outputs 3-4 of both Aux Out and XLR outputs.

For the P16s, there is a problem. You have 24 inputs, but P16 can only receive 16 signals. So you are going to have to decide what channels you want to send to the P16. Those assignments are done on the Routing, P16 (also called Ultranet) screen. If you requre all 24 channels, I would highly recommend upgrading your personal monitors from P16 to the Midas DP48. These connect via AES50 and can receive all 48 channels of the AES50. Added to that, there is an ambient mic and reverb built-in, as well as a display that you can name the 12 groups.

Attached is a fixed scene with what I explained above.
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Paul Vannatto
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Re: X32 S32 + IEMs & PM's, I am lost after trying hard. Any help is appreciated!

Post by lemmonstealin' w... »

Paul, I am grateful for your time looking at this. Thank you!

The nearfields are indeed to be parallel to the headphone signal, and the 70V zones look great.

For the Ultranet equipment, I understand that I cannot send all possible inputs to the P16Ms. At this point, my client cannot afford to upgrade, and I'll be asking them what their priorities are.

During programming on-site, I started spinning and popped out of a rabbit hole where SOME inputs that were muted were passing signal through SOME outputs that were muted and felt like I was losing my mind.

The logic structure of the X-32 patching breaks my brain for some reason. Thank you for clearing this up for me! With other systems, I create v-lans, assign all DANTE traffic there, and patch upside down & inside out without a problem. I know that there is a DANTE card available, but they wanted a 32 x 32 card for multitrack.

I really like the abilities of a relatively inexpensive system like the X/S32, plan on using more, and this makes me a lot more comfortable doing so.

Again, thank you Paul

I appreciate your time,
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