Can anyone help me with a schematic or service manual for a MX2802 console. Yes, I know this is an old unit but it works well in my setup and I would like to continue to use it. The problem is the audio signal to the main left and right outputs is badly distorted. It is also distorted when monitoring it thru the headphone output. All the other outputs are clean and work correctly. I am a retired service tech so I can do the repair myself. I just need to know which IC/IC's would be the most likely problem and where they are located on the board.
Thanks in advance for any help.
MX2802 Console
Re: MX2802 Console
The general rule of thumb for Behringer is NOT to offer schematics etc at least historically. That said you might open up a repair ticket on the official Behringer page and perhaps they might help you. Certainly no harm in trying. If very old and they no longer make them maybe they would give you more info. I have my doubts but it maybe is worth a shot. Their certified repair centers also might be a source of more info if you know of any in your area.
Re: MX2802 Console
@pmaillot @dgiarrap BUT then there is always Patrick
to the rescue!

Re: MX2802 Console
It just took one Google query