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Time can be negative :)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 7:34 am
by pmaillot
In recent discussion with MJ, I found out he sets all (most of) his tunes with a delay between the actual start of the project and the beginning of the audio. So do I.
But where I set the start of the project to time = 0:0:0 and the beginning of the audio at say 0:4:0 to have 4 seconds of mute time, MJ selected -0:4:0 and 0:0:0 respectively :o [Possible in REAPER under the project tab settings]
So to try to address the different approaches, I managed a series of modifications in X32ReaperAutoMate and WingReaperAutoMate (Does not apply to X32XLiveAutoMate which doesn't know about negative time) to enable taking the different situations into account. I've been testing on an X32, will test on WING at the end of the month and MJ is also testing on his side.
Let me know if any of you licensed users would like to test too, before this makes it to an official release.