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Mixing Station Tips: Non-toggling Buttons

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 3:41 pm
by RexBeckett
This trick was inspired by a question from another Mixing Station user. The requirement was for a button that would select an SoF (Sends-on-Faders) target bus but would not return to the main mix when pressed again. The custom layout was intended to allow users to adjust a number of monitor mixes but prevent access to the main mix controls. The problem with using normal buttons with SoF actions is that they have a toggle behaviour. You can use several buttons to select different target buses but, if you press a button twice, it releases the SoF mode.

The solution is to break the toggle action of the SoF buttons. Create each SoF bus select button and define two actions. Set the first action to select the target SoF bus but with Invert on. Set the second action the same but with Invert off. It sounds bizarre but it does work. The button can change the SoF target but it can't turn SoF off.

Of course with conflicting actions, the button will never highlight. This is easily solved by placing another button on top (in the foreground) that has an action to select the same SoF target bus but with Touch = None. If you set the button's label to [sofname] it will display the name of the target bus. This button is simply an indicator that the target bus is selected. Its action will never be triggered but the button below it (in the background) will still work.