The X-Air/M-Air OSC commands were not officially documented, other than a brief text file that was difficult to decypher.
Note: FX1 to FX4 are mixbuses 7 to 10 respectively. Controlling channel sends to these buses are done in the same manner as the first 6 mixbuses.
The following table has been derived from the Sysex OSC Generator X-Air command list (csv).
Command | Type | Value | Text | Description |
Action | ||||
/-action/clearsolo | i | 1 | Clear all solos | |
/-action/initall | i | 1 | Initialize console | |
/-action/savestate | i | 1 | Save console current state | |
/-action/setclock | s | set clock ('20YYMMDDHHMMSS'), ignored on X18/XR18 | ||
/-action/updnet | i | 0-3 | LAN, IS, AP | update network settings; LAN, IS, AP (lan, infrastructure, access point) |
/-action/mididump | i | 1 | GO to send out all MIDI CCs (used at end of snapshot recall) | |
/-action/wlanscan | i | 1 | GO to start network scan (LAN mode only, results in -stat/networks) | |
Preferences | ||||
/-prefs/ap/channel | i | 1-11 | WLan channel | |
/-prefs/ap/key | s | Access Point key (5 chars (WEP40) or 13 chars (WEP104)) | ||
/-prefs/ap/security | i | 0-1 | OPEN, WEP | Access Point security |
/-prefs/ap/ssid | s | Access Point ssid (max 32 chars) | ||
/-prefs/clockrate | i | 0-1 | 48K, 44K1 | Clock Rate |
/-prefs/dcamute | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | DCA groups mute Off/On |
/-prefs/hardmute | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Hard mute Off/On |
/-prefs/is/addr/0 | i | 0-255 | IP address (first number) | |
/-prefs/is/addr/1 | i | 0-255 | IP address (second number) | |
/-prefs/is/addr/2 | i | 0-255 | IP address (third number) | |
/-prefs/is/addr/3 | i | 0-255 | IP address (forth number) | |
/-prefs/is/gateway/0 | i | 0-255 | IP gateway (first number) | |
/-prefs/is/gateway/1 | i | 0-255 | IP gateway (second number) | |
/-prefs/is/gateway/2 | i | 0-255 | IP gateway (third number) | |
/-prefs/is/gateway/3 | i | 0-255 | IP gateway (fourth number) | |
/-prefs/is/key | s | 5 chars (WEP40) | 13 chars (WEP104), any (WPA/WPA2) | |
/-prefs/is/mask/0 | i | 0-255 | IP mask (first number) | |
/-prefs/is/mask/1 | i | 0-255 | IP mask (second number) | |
/-prefs/is/mask/2 | i | 0-255 | IP mask (third number) | |
/-prefs/is/mask/3 | i | 0-255 | IP mask (forth number) | |
/-prefs/is/mode | i | 0-1 | DHCP, STATIC | IP mode |
/-prefs/is/security | i | 0-3 | OPEN, WEP, WPA, WPA2 | IP security |
/-prefs/is/ssid | s | IP SSID (max 32 chars) | ||
/-prefs/lan/addr/0 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP address (first number) | |
/-prefs/lan/addr/1 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP address (second number) | |
/-prefs/lan/addr/2 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP address (third number) | |
/-prefs/lan/addr/3 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP address (fourth number) | |
/-prefs/lan/gateway/0 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP gateway (first number) | |
/-prefs/lan/gateway/1 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP gateway (second number) | |
/-prefs/lan/gateway/2 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP gateway (third number) | |
/-prefs/lan/gateway/3 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP gateway (fourth number) | |
/-prefs/lan/mask/0 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP mask (first number) | |
/-prefs/lan/mask/1 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP mask (second number) | |
/-prefs/lan/mask/2 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP mask (third number) | |
/-prefs/lan/mask/3 | i | 0-255 | Lan IP mask (fourth number) | |
/-prefs/lan/mode | i | 0-2 | STATIC, DHCP, DHCPS | Lan mode |
/-prefs/midiconfig | i | 0-127 | Midi config b0: din cc/pc rx; b1: din cc tx; b2: din X/OSC, b3: usb cc/pc rx; b4: usb cc tx; b5: usb X/OSC, b6: din midi ↔ usb midi passthru (remote control disabled) | |
/-prefs/name | s | Mixer name | ||
/-prefs/playnext | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Play all files in directory |
/-prefs/ponmute | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | mutes buses/main after power-on |
/-prefs/rta/decay | f | 0.0-1.0 | RTA decay rate | |
/-prefs/rta/det | i | 0-1 | PEAK, RMS | RTA detector |
/-prefs/usbifcmode | i | 0-1 | 18×18, 2×2 | USB recording mode |
Snapshots | ||||
/-snap/01/name/01 | s | Snapshot [0..63] name | ||
/-snap/01/scope/01 | i | 0-59 | Snapshot [0..63] recall scope | |
/-snap/delete | i | 1-64 | Snapshot (current) delete | |
/-snap/index | i | 1-64 | Snapshot (current) list index | |
/-snap/load | i | 1-64 | Snapshot (current) load | |
/-snap/name | s | Snapshot (current) name | ||
/-snap/save | i | 1-64 | Snapshot (current) save | |
Status | ||||
/-stat/autosave | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Saves automatically its state (every 2 min) |
/-stat/keysolo | i | 0-39 | OFF, G01..G16, D01..D16, DB1..DB6, DLR | ?? |
/-stat/netmode | i | 0-2 | Static, DHCP, DHCP Server | Lan Mode |
/-stat/networks/01/flags | i | 0-7 | ?? | |
/-stat/networks/01/ssid | s | max 32 chars | ||
/-stat/networks/01/strength | i | 0-100 | Network signal strength (0-100%) | |
/-stat/rta/pos | i | 0-1 | PRE, POST | RTA tap |
/-stat/rta/source | i | 0-32 | Ch01..Ch16, Aux, Fx1..Fx4, Bus1..Bus4, Send1..Send4, LR, MON | RTA source |
/-stat/solo | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Solo global status |
/-stat/solosw/01 | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Solo switch [01..20??] status |
/-stat/tape/etime | i | 0-35999 | Elapsed time (seconds) | |
/-stat/tape/file | s | Recording filename (256 char max) | ||
/-stat/tape/rtime | i | -1000-35999 | Remaining time (seconds) or -(dropouts + 1) during rec | |
/-stat/tape/state | i | 0-6 | STOP, PPAUSE, PLAY, RPAUSE, REC, FF, REW | USB Recorder/player control |
/-stat/usb/001/name | s | Name of file or subdirectory | ||
/-stat/usb/001/type | i | 0-1 | Returns 0 for a file, 1 for a subdirectory | |
/-stat/usb/count | i | 1-200 | Number of entries in the current path | |
/-stat/usb/path | s | Gets or sets the directory path | ||
/-stat/usbmounted | i | 0-1 | USB mounted status | |
Buses 1-6 | ||||
/bus/1/config/color | i | 0-15 | OFF, RD, GN, YE, BL, MG, CY, WH, OFFi, RDi, GNi, YEi, BLi, MGi, CYi, WHi | Mixbus color |
/bus/1/config/name | s | Mixbus name | ||
/bus/1/dyn/attack | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 120.0 | Mixbus compressor attack |
/bus/1/dyn/auto | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus compressor auto |
/bus/1/dyn/det | i | 0-1 | PEAK, RMS | Mixbus compressor ?? |
/bus/1/dyn/env | i | 0-1 | LIN, LOG | Mixbus compressor envelope |
/bus/1/dyn/filter/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Mixbus compressor filter frequency |
/bus/1/dyn/filter/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Mixbus compressor filter frequency |
/bus/1/dyn/filter/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus compressor filter Off/On |
/bus/1/dyn/filter/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus compressor filter Off/On |
/bus/1/dyn/filter/type | i | 0-8 | LC6, LC12, HC6, HC12, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 | Mixbus compressor filter type |
/bus/1/dyn/filter/type | i | 0-5 | LCut, LShv, PEQ, VEQ, HShv, HCut | Mixbus compressor filter type |
/bus/1/dyn/hold | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.02 - 2000 | Mixbus compressor hold |
/bus/1/dyn/insert/fxslot | i | 0-8 | OFF, Fx1A, Fx1B, Fx2A, Fx2B, Fx3A, Fx3B, Fx4A, Fx4B | Mixbus compressor insert Fx slot |
/bus/1/dyn/insert/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus compressor insert Off/On |
/bus/1/dyn/keysrc | i | 0-22 | SELF, Ch01-Ch16, Bus1-Bus6 | Mixbus compressor keysource |
/bus/1/dyn/knee | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 5.0 | Mixbus compressor knee |
/bus/1/dyn/mgain | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 24.0 | Mixbus compressor makeup gain |
/bus/1/dyn/mix | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0 - 100 | Mixbus compressor mix |
/bus/1/dyn/mode | i | 0-1 | COMP, EXP | Mixbus compressor mode |
/bus/1/dyn/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus compressor Off/On |
/bus/1/dyn/ratio | i | 0-11 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10, 20, 100 | Mixbus compressor ratio |
/bus/1/dyn/release | f | 0.0-1.0 | 5.0 - 4000.0 | Mixbus compressor release |
/bus/1/dyn/thr | f | 0.0-1.0 | -60.0 - 0.0 | Mixbus compressor threshold |
/bus/1/eq/1/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Mixbus EQ band frequency |
/bus/1/eq/1/g | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Mixbus EQ band gain |
/bus/1/eq/1/q | f | 0.0-1.0 | 10.0 - 9.3 | Mixbus EQ band Q |
/bus/1/eq/1/type | i | 0-5 | LCut, LShv, PEQ, VEQ, HShv, HCut | Mixbus EQ type |
/bus/1/eq/mode | i | 0-2 | PEQ, GEQ, TEQ | Mixbus EQ mode |
/bus/1/eq/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus EQ Off/On |
/bus/1/geq/0 | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Mixbus graphics EQ band level |
/bus/1/insert/fxslot | i | 0-8 | OFF, Fx1A, Fx1B, Fx2A, Fx2B, Fx3A, Fx3B, Fx4A, Fx4B | Mixbus insert Fx slot |
/bus/1/insert/on | i | 0-1 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Mixbus insert Off/On |
/bus/1/mix/fader | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Mixbus fader level |
/bus/1/mix/lr | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus LR assignment |
/bus/1/mix/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mixbus mute |
/bus/1/mix/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Mixbus pan level |
/bus/grp/dca | i | 0- | %0000 | Mixbus DCA assignment |
/bus/grp/mute | i | 0- | %0000 | Mixbus mutegroup assignment |
Channels 01-16 | ||||
/ch/01/automix/group | i | 0-2 | OFF, X, Y | Channel automix assignment |
/ch/01/automix/weight | f | 0.0-1.0 | -24 - +24 | Channel automix weight level |
/ch/01/config/color | i | 0-15 | OFF, RD, GN, YE, BL, MG, CY, WH, OFFi, RDi, GNi, YEi, BLi, MGi, CYi, WHi | Channel scribble trip color |
/ch/01/config/insrc | i | 0-15 | OFF, IN01-16 | Channel input source |
/ch/01/config/name | s | Channel scribble strip name | ||
/ch/01/config/rtnsrc | i | 0-17 | U01-18 | Channel USB input source |
/ch/01/dyn/attack | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 120.0 | Channel compressor attack (ms) |
/ch/01/dyn/auto | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel compressor auto off/on |
/ch/01/dyn/det | i | 0-1 | PEAK, RMS | |
/ch/01/dyn/env | i | 0-1 | LIN, LOG | Channel compressor envelope |
/ch/01/dyn/filter/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Channel compressor filter frequency (hz) |
/ch/01/dyn/filter/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel compressor filter off/on |
/ch/01/dyn/filter/type | i | 0-8 | LC6, LC12, HC6, HC12, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 | Channel compressor filter type |
/ch/01/dyn/hold | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.02 - 2000 | Channel compressor hold (ms) |
/ch/01/dyn/keysrc | i | 0-22 | SELF, Ch01-Ch16, Bus1-Bus6 | Channel compressor key source |
/ch/01/dyn/knee | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 5.0 | Channel compressor knee |
/ch/01/dyn/mgain | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 24.0 | Channel compressor gain (db) |
/ch/01/dyn/mix | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0 - 100 | Channel compressor mix |
/ch/01/dyn/mode | i | 0-1 | COMP, EXP | Channel compressor mode |
/ch/01/dyn/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel compressor off/on |
/ch/01/dyn/ratio | i | 0-11 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10, 20, 100 | Channel compressor ratio |
/ch/01/dyn/release | f | 0.0-1.0 | 5.0 - 4000.0 | Channel compressor release (ms) |
/ch/01/dyn/thr | f | 0.0-1.0 | -60.0 - 0.0 | Channel compressor theshold (db) |
/ch/01/eq/1/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Channel EQ band frequency |
/ch/01/eq/1/g | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Channel EQ band gain |
/ch/01/eq/1/q | f | 0.0-1.0 | 10.0 - 0.3 | Channel EQ band Q |
/ch/01/eq/1/type | i | 0-5 | LCut, LShv, PEQ, VEQ, HShv, HCut | Channel EQ band type |
/ch/01/eq/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel EQ Off/On |
/ch/01/gate/attack | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 120.0 | Channel gate attack (ms) |
/ch/01/gate/filter/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20.000 - 20000 | Channel gate filter frequency (hz) |
/ch/01/gate/filter/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel gate filter off/on |
/ch/01/gate/filter/type | i | 0-8 | LC6, LC12, HC6, HC12, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 | Channel gate filter type |
/ch/01/gate/hold | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.02 - 2000 | Channel gate hold (ms) |
/ch/01/gate/keysrc | i | 0-22 | SELF, Ch01-Ch16, Bus1-Bus6 | Channel gate key source |
/ch/01/gate/mode | i | 0-4 | GATE, EXP2, EXP3, EXP4, DUCK | Channel gate mode |
/ch/01/gate/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel gate off/on |
/ch/01/gate/range | f | 0.0-1.0 | 3.0 - 60.0 | Channel gate range (db) |
/ch/01/gate/release | f | 0.0-1.0 | 5.0 - 4000.0 | Channel gate release (ms) |
/ch/01/gate/thr | f | 0.0-1.0 | -80.0 - 0.0 | Channel gate threshold (db) |
/ch/01/geq/0 | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Channel graphics EQ level |
/ch/01/grp/dca | i | 0- | %0000 | Channel DCA assignment |
/ch/01/grp/mute | i | 0- | %0000 | Channel mutegroup assignment |
/ch/01/insert/fxslot | i | 0-8 | OFF, Fx1A, Fx1B, Fx2A, Fx2B, Fx3A, Fx3B, Fx4A, Fx4B | Channel insert assignment |
/ch/01/insert/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel insert Off/On |
/ch/01/mix/01/grpon | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel mixbus sends group Off/On |
/ch/01/mix/01/level | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Channel mixbus sends level |
/ch/01/mix/01/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -100 - +100 | Channel mixbus sends pan |
/ch/01/mix/01/tap | i | 0-5 | IN, PREEQ, POSTEQ, PRE, POST, GRP | Channel mixbus sends tap |
/ch/01/mix/fader | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Channel fader level |
/ch/01/mix/lr | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel LR assignment |
/ch/01/mix/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel mute |
/ch/01/mix/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -100 - +100 | Channel pan value |
/ch/01/preamp/hpf | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 200 | Channel low cut frequency (hz) |
/ch/01/preamp/hpon | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel low cut off/on |
/ch/01/preamp/invert | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel preamp invert |
/ch/01/preamp/rtnsw | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel Return switch (preamp/USB) |
/ch/01/preamp/rtntrim | f | 0.0-1.0 | -18 - +18 | Channel USB preamp trim |
Configuration | ||||
/config/amixenable/X | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Automix - Group X Off/On |
/config/amixenable/Y | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Automix - Group Y Off/On |
/config/amixlock/X | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Automix - Lock X Off/On |
/config/amixlock/Y | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Automix - Lock Y Off/On |
/config/buslink/1-2 | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Bus links (odd/even pairs 1-2, 3-4, etc) |
/config/chlink/1-2 | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Channel links (odd/even pairs 1-2, 3-4, etc) |
/config/linkcfg/dyn | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Link Pref - Dyn |
/config/linkcfg/eq | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Link Pref - EQ |
/config/linkcfg/fdrmute | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Link Pref - Fader, Mute, Sends |
/config/linkcfg/preamp | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Link Pref - preamp |
/config/mute/1 | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Mutegroup [1..4] Off/On |
/config/solo/busmode | i | 0-1 | PFL, AFL | Headphone source bus tap |
/config/solo/chmode | i | 0-1 | PFL, AFL | Headphone source channel tap |
/config/solo/dim | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Headphone Dim Off/On |
/config/solo/dimatt | f | 0.0-1.0 | -40 - 0 | Headphone Dim Gain |
/config/solo/dimpfl | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Headphone PFL-Dim |
/config/solo/level | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10.0 | Headphone volume level |
/config/solo/mono | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Headphone Mono Off/On |
/config/solo/mute | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Headphone Mute Off/On |
/config/solo/source | i | 0-14 | OFF, LR, LRPFL, LRAFL, AUX, U1718, Bus1-6, Bus12, Bus34, Bus56 | Headphone source |
/config/solo/sourcetrim | f | 0.0-1.0 | -18.0 - +12.0 | Headphone source trim |
DCA 1-4 | ||||
/dca/1/config/color | i | 0-15 | OFF, RD, GN, YE, BL, MG, CY, WH, OFFi, RDi, GNi, YEi, BLi, MGi, CYi, WHi | DCA color |
/dca/1/config/name | s | DCA name | ||
/dca/1/fader | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | DCA fader level |
/dca/1/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | DCA [1..4] Off/On |
FX 1-4 | ||||
/fx/1/insert | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Fx slot [1..4] insert |
/fx/1/par/01 | i | Fx slot [1..4] parameter value (see doc) | ||
/fx/1/type | i | 0-60 | 61 Fx, see doc | Fx slot [1..4] type (see doc) |
FX Sends 1-4 | ||||
/fxsend/1/config/color | i | 0-15 | OFF, RD, GN, YE, BL, MG, CY, WH, OFFi, RDi, GNi, YEi, BLi, MGi, CYi, WHi | Fx send color |
/fxsend/1/config/name | s | Fx send name | ||
/fxsend/1/grp/dca | i | 0- | %0000 | Fx send DCA assignment |
/fxsend/1/grp/mute | i | 0- | %0000 | Fx send mutegroup assignment |
/fxsend/1/mix/fader | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Fx send fader level |
/fxsend/1/mix/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Fx send mute |
Preamps 1-16 | ||||
/headamp/01/gain | f | 0.0-1.0 | -12 - +20 | Headamp gain |
/headamp/01/phantom | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Headamp phantom Off/On |
Main LR | ||||
/lr/config/color/ | i | 0-15 | OFF, RD, GN, YE, BL, MG, CY, WH, OFFi, RDi, GNi, YEi, BLi, MGi, CYi, WHi | Main LR color |
/lr/config/name | s | Main LR name | ||
/lr/dyn/attack | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 120.0 | Main LR compressor attack |
/lr/dyn/auto | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Main LR compressor auto |
/lr/dyn/det | i | 0-1 | PEAK, RMS | Main LR compressor ?? |
/lr/dyn/env | i | 0-1 | LIN, LOG | Main LR compressor envelope |
/lr/dyn/filter/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Main LR compressor filter frequency |
/lr/dyn/filter/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Main LR compressor filter Off/On |
/lr/dyn/filter/type | i | 0-8 | LC6, LC12, HC6, HC12, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 | Main LR compressor filter type |
/lr/dyn/hold | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.02 - 2000 | Main LR compressor hold |
/lr/dyn/insert/fxslot | i | 0-8 | OFF, Fx1A, Fx1B, Fx2A, Fx2B, Fx3A, Fx3B, Fx4A, Fx4B | Main LR compressor insert Fx slot |
/lr/dyn/insert/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Main LR compressor insert Off/On |
/lr/dyn/knee | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 5.0 | Main LR compressor knee |
/lr/dyn/mgain | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0.0 - 24.0 | Main LR compressor makeup gain |
/lr/dyn/mix | f | 0.0-1.0 | 0 - 100 | Main LR compressor mix |
/lr/dyn/mode | i | 0-1 | COMP, EXP | Main LR compressor mode |
/lr/dyn/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Main LR compressor Off/On |
/lr/dyn/ratio | i | 0-11 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10, 20, 100 | Main LR compressor ratio |
/lr/dyn/release | f | 0.0-1.0 | 5.0 - 4000.0 | Main LR compressor release |
/lr/dyn/thr | f | 0.0-1.0 | -60.0 - 0.0 | Main LR compressor threshold |
/lr/eq/1/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Main LR EQ frequency |
/lr/eq/1/g | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Main LR EQ gain |
/lr/eq/1/q | f | 0.0-1.0 | 10.0 - 0.3 | Main LR EQ Q |
/lr/eq/1/type | i | 0-5 | LCut, LShv, PEQ, VEQ, HShv, HCut | Main LR EQ band type |
/lr/eq/mode | i | 0-2 | PEQ, GEQ, TEQ | Main LR EQ mode |
/lr/eq/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Main LR EQ Off/On |
/lr/geq/0 | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Main LR graphics EQ band level |
/lr/mix/fader | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Main LR fader level |
/lr/mix/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Main LR mute |
/lr/mix/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -100 - +100 | Main LR pan level |
Routing | ||||
/routing/aux/01/pos | i | 0-10 | AIN, AIN+M, IN, IN+M, PREEQ, PREEQ+M, POSTEQ, POSTEQ+M, PRE, PRE+M, POST | Routing Aux [1..6] tap |
/routing/aux/01/src | i | 0-55 | Ch01-16, AuxL-R, Fx1L-Fx4R, Bus1-6, Send1-4, L, R, U1-18 | Routing Aux [1..6] source |
/routing/main/01/src | i | 0-10 | LR, MON, U0102-U1718 | Routing Main assignment |
/routing/main/02/src | i | 0-10 | LR, MON, U0102-U1718 | Routing Phones assignment |
/routing/p16/01/pos | i | 0-10 | AIN, AIN+M, IN, IN+M, PREEQ, PREEQ+M, POSTEQ, POSTEQ+M, PRE, PRE+M, POST | Routing P16 [1..16] tap |
/routing/p16/01/src | i | 0-55 | Ch01-16, AuxL-R, Fx1L-Fx4R, Bus1-6, Send1-4, L, R, U1-18 | Routing P16 [1..16] source |
/routing/usb/01/pos | i | 0-10 | AIN, AIN+M, IN, IN+M, PREEQ, PREEQ+M, POSTEQ, POSTEQ+M, PRE, PRE+M, POST | Routing USB [1..36] tap |
/routing/usb/01/src | i | 0-37 | Ch01-16, AuxL-R, Fx1L-Fx4R, Bus1-6, Send1-4, L, R | Routing USB [1..36] source |
FX Returns 1-4 | ||||
/rtn/1/config/color | i | 0-15 | OFF, RD, GN, YE, BL, MG, CY, WH, OFFi, RDi, GNi, YEi, BLi, MGi, CYi, WHi | Fx Return [1..4] color |
/rtn/1/config/name | s | Fx Return [1..4] name | ||
/rtn/1/config/rtnsrc | i | 0-8 | U0102, U0304, U0506, - U1718 | Fx Return [1..4] source |
/rtn/1/eq/1/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Fx Return [1..4] EQ band frequency |
/rtn/1/eq/1/g | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Fx Return [1..4] EQ band gain |
/rtn/1/eq/1/q | f | 0.0-1.0 | 10.0 - 0.3 | Fx Return [1..4] EQ band Q |
/rtn/1/eq/1/type | i | 0-5 | LCut, LShv, PEQ, VEQ, HShv, HCut | Fx Return [1..4] EQ band type |
/rtn/1/mix/01/grpon | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Fx Return [1..4] mixbus sends group |
/rtn/1/mix/01/level | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Fx Return [1..4] mixbus sends level |
/rtn/1/mix/01/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -100 - +100 | Fx Return [1..4] mixbus sends pan |
/rtn/1/mix/01/tap | i | 0-5 | IN, PREEQ, POSTEQ, PRE, POST, GRP | Fx Return [1..4] mixbus sends tap |
/rtn/1/mix/fader | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Fx Return [1..4] fader level |
/rtn/1/mix/lr | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Fx Return [1..4] LR assignment |
/rtn/1/mix/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Fx Return [1..4] mute |
/rtn/1/mix/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -100 - +100 | Fx Return [1..4] pan level |
/rtn/1/preamp/rtnsw | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Fx Return [1..4] preamp switch (preamp/USB) |
/rtn/1/preamp/rtntrim | f | 0.0-1.0 | -18.0 - +18.0 | Fx Return [1..4] preamp trim |
/rtn/aux/config/color | i | 0-15 | OFF, RD, GN, YE, BL, MG, CY, WH, OFFi, RDi, GNi, YEi, BLi, MGi, CYi, WHi | Aux Return color |
/rtn/aux/config/name | s | Aux Return name | ||
/rtn/aux/config/rtnsrc | i | 0-8 | U0102, U0304, U0506, - U1718 | Aux Return source |
/rtn/aux/eq ON | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Aux Return EQ Off/On |
/rtn/aux/eq/1/f | f | 0.0-1.0 | 20 - 20000 | Aux Return EQ band frequency |
/rtn/aux/eq/1/g | f | 0.0-1.0 | -15.0 - +15.0 | Aux Return EQ band gain |
/rtn/aux/eq/1/q | f | 0.0-1.0 | 10 - 0.3 | Aux Return EQ band Q |
/rtn/aux/eq/1/type | i | 0-5 | LCut, LShv, PEQ, VEQ, HShv, HCut | Aux Return EQ band type |
/rtn/aux/mix/01/grpon | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Aux Return mixbus sends group Off/On |
/rtn/aux/mix/01/level | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Aux Return mixbus sends level |
/rtn/aux/mix/01/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -100 - +100 | Aux Return mixbus sends pan level |
/rtn/aux/mix/01/tap | i | 0-5 | IN, PREEQ, POSTEQ, PRE, POST, GRP | Aux Return mixbus sends tap |
/rtn/aux/mix/fader | f | 0.0-1.0 | -oo - +10 | Aux Return fader level |
/rtn/aux/mix/lr | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Aux Return LR assignment |
/rtn/aux/mix/on | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Aux Return mute |
/rtn/aux/mix/pan | f | 0.0-1.0 | -100 - +100 | Aux Return pan level |
/rtn/aux/preamp/rtnsw | i | 0-1 | OFF, ON | Aux Return switch (preamp/USB) |
/rtn/aux/preamp/rtntrim | f | 0.0-1.0 | -18.0 - +18.0 | Aux Return trim |
Info | ||||
/xinfo | Returns info of the X-Air (eg firmware #, etc) |